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Berlinchen Documentation


For the kick-off of the campaign, we took an unusual approach this time. We went to the tranquil village of Berlinchen, a district of Wittstock/Dosse and 124 km from Berlin. 

Here we accompany Jannik and Luise, who have set themselves the goal of creating a better Berlin in Berlinchen. However, they encounter unexpected difficulties with their plan and ultimately have to realize that Berlin is just Berlin in Berlin.



What is the Berlin feeling and how can it be passed on? Berlin is a mosaic of people, emotions and experiences that come together to form a living work of art. Berlin best describes itself – and yet everyone always knows what is meant.

Our new campaign captures the unique moments, emotions and memories that define Berlin for all of us. We focus on this uniqueness and find insights and truths from the city and its neighborhoods that all people living here understand and feel. 

In this way, we address the pride Berliners have in their city, create a community and put a spotlight on what really makes Berlin special



Campaign motifs


In order to do justice to the best city in the world and its diversity, we have developed a wide range of motifs. We want to address the diverse issues of the city and its residents: from the university to the streets, from area A to area C, from the local neighborhood and from the Spree to the other bank. Always with a big hug to the city and the people who make it up, and always with a wink.


All Campaign motifs